Frostburg Masters Summer SCM Kick-Off Meet Frostburg State University Cordts P.E Center, Frostburg, MD Session I: 10:15 AM Warm-up, 11:00 AM start Session II: 12:00 PM Warm-up, 1:00 PM start Sanctioned by MD LMSC for USMS, INC. The Frostburg State University Masters Swim Team is proud to kick-off the Summer season with a short course meet right in the heart of Western Maryland! Our swimming facility has a 6-lane, 25-meter pool with non-turbulent lane lines, overflow gutters and Daktronics scoreboard and digitial timing system. The pool will be configured in a 25-meter course. Two separate swimming areas will be available for continuous warm-up/cool-down throughout the meet. The length of the competition course without a bulkhead is in compliance and on file with USMS in accordance with articles 105.1.7 and 107.2.1 ENTRIES: - Registration will open April ...
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